Many people find home insurance works just the way it should. You have a problem that occurs. You file a claim with your insurance agent. The agent gets estimates, determines the cause, and writes a check for the repairs. It does not always go so smoothly, though. In some situations, you may not receive
coverage at all. Or, it may not be enough to cover your losses. If you do not agree, what can you do, though? You can appeal the decision. Here’s how and why you should.
Do You Suspect You Do Not Have Enough?
Often, the home insurer covers the full losses you sustained due to the incident (minus deductibles or other required personal costs). If you do not receive enough to replace or repair the losses you have, you may be able to request additional funds.
There are some situations in which you need to do this because there is new information about the damage. The technician finds more damage than was once thought. In this situation, you can contact the agent to request additional financial support. The company then makes the decision to cover your losses or not.
How to Appeal a Home Insurance Claim Offer
When you do not agree with the claim offer provided to you, take action. Your first step is to work with your home insurance agent. He or she can help you to process the additional losses.
You can also call your insurer directly to inquire. Before doing this, review your claim. Find out why the company decided on this amount. Determine if they were missing key information. Determine why they say you do not qualify for extra funds. Using that information, clarify why you believe you do. Keep things civil.
The next step is to contact an independent appraiser in your area. He or she will help you to determine if you should get more and why. This person does not work for the insurance company. Submit this information to your insurance company. You may also be able to settle your claim for a negotiated rate. Your insurance company may agree to a compromise, in other words.
If the numbers still do not match and you want to move forward with an appeal, you can do so. You can file a claim with the company. You can then contact an attorney to help represent you in this matter. Keep in mind you may be responsible for those legal costs outside of your claim. Often, an appeal is enough, however. Your home insurance company wants to help you, call and talk with your agent at 405.224.1000 or 800.274.2288.